Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 1.iso
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Subtasks are an extremely powerful way of doing processing. They are
TAOS-like in the way they can process in multiple threads. The benefits of
TAOS are well known, and most of those benefits are available to tornado
A tornado subtask is currently a normal wimp task, which upon startup also
has preemption started on it. The processing continues on whatever the
subtask does, and the subtask is preempted - however the subtask can also
start up subtasks, are only allowed to access memory within their own space
and within the subtask heap, and can only communicate normally with their
parent and their siblings. Generally speaking, they fill a buffer of
processed data and pass this to their parent ie; they do their processing in
An example of this is a http fetcher. The parent html viewer, is asked to
fetch http://www.acorn.co.uk for example. The parent, a tornado task, starts
up one of its private subtasks stored within its directory (some subtasks are
stored for public use ie; any tornado task can use them) which fetches http:
The subtask starts, and uses ttcpip: to send a http request. When
receiving confirmation, it passes the message to its parent which displays
the appropriate message. Then the html page arrives in packets, as is in
tcpip's nature, and this is run through, picking out all the references to
graphics/sound/movie. The graphics/movie are then sent for, by the subtask
starting up siblings, which in fact are copies of itself. Each of these
siblings reads in the graphic/first fram of the movie, checks what format it
is, and then starts up the appropriate graphic convertor from the public
convertor library, passing it the reference by which it can send its
processed data to the parent app.
Ok, so now the picture looks like this:
Parent html (www) viewer
| Passes down http://www.acorn.co.uk
| Passes up html document
http fetcher
Passes down http://www. / | \ Passes down http://www.acorn.
acorn.co.uk/ --------------- | ---------------- co.uk/sprite.gif
drawfile.gif / Passes down http://www.acorn. \
| co.uk/movie.rply |
| | |
| | |
http fetcher http fetcher http fetcher
This being a private Passes | down all Passes | down all the
subtask knows its parent the data | received data | received
can plot drawfile, so it | |
sends its received data | |
straight back to its Passes up | when to stop GIF=>Sprite
parent. If it were a sending | data convertor
public subtask it would Replay=>Sprite This takes the GIF
check what filetypes the convertor and converts it into
parent can load, and This takes enough a sprite, and sends the
convert to sprite if it data to convert the data, as processed, back
couldn't handle drawfiles first frame into a to the parent
sprite and also sends / | \
all the data processed Delegated tasks
straight back to the The same as below, except
parent obviously it's multiple
/ | \ copies of the GIF=>Sprite
Delegated tasks convertor
These are seperate copies
of the Replay=>Sprite
convertor called when the
convertor above this is still
processing but is asked to
process another segment of
data retrieved from ttcpip:
As you can see, processing of all data coming in performed simultaneously,
which means that no matter how quickly the data comes in, it is all
processed, not held up until the processing and conversion routines can deal
with it. The speed and productivity gains are impossible to calculate. It
also means that the parent html viewer may have bits of gif appearing in a
seemingly random order, which I would suggest is not altogether bad.
Subtasks are also subject to constant monitoring - should one fail due to
lack of memory, it's caller is notified and can do what it likes with the
information eg; schedule a retry, or perhaps inform its parent. It may also
display a message/put a question to the user via Tornado_Query.
Should a subtask crash, it gets the same treatment as other tornado tasks
- except that again its caller is notified after everything has been cleaned
up. Subtasks can also request that a postslot heap be set up, so they can
store internal memory allocations.
Another feature of subtasks is that all vdu output is sent to its parent.
This can be used to run normally single-tasking tasks eg; my hopefully
forthcoming animals guessing game door for Newsflash will be the raw program
in Basic as written in 1993, but with a parent 'supervisor' which starts up
the program as a subtask, reads in all graphics input, converts any vdu
colour sequences/cursor positioning into suitable ANSI commands, and spits
that down the line to Newsflash.
Subtasks may be moved into a seperate multitasker later on in Tornado
Special subtasks
Special subtasks currently come in as file convertors. If a user drags a GIF
file onto a tornado app which can only accept Sprites, then the convertor
subtask (stored in tconvert:) list entry called by the 32bit hexadecimal of
the GIF filetype is checked out to find out what that filetype can be
converted to. If it can be converted to a format that is loadable by the app
the file is going to, the GIF file is loaded into tfs: while multitasking,
and the subtask, as specified by the subtask list, is started up. The parent,
Tornado, sets up an area of memory to receive the file, and the subtask
starts spitting out converted Sprite.
When the subtask finishes, the original GIF data is thrown away and the
file is loaded into the app by Tornado (see the appropriate document about
loading and saving). Voila!
On saving, in the save box a GIF filesprite is shown, and unless the user
changes it, the file is saved to tfs:, converted back by the appropriate
subtask (this time determined from the entry for the hexadecimal of the
sprite filetype).
Other things about subtasks
Another thing to be noted here is that Tornado is intelligent about subtasks.
It caches the most recently loaded subtasks so that they may be accessed
quicker, if the user so wants, in tfs:.
Subtasks may not be necessarily executed on the local processor. They may
also be executed on a second processor, or on a processor running somewhere
on a network. Many people laughed at my original claim that the processor may
be running on the other side of the world, connected via Internet. This is
not unrealistic. Because subtasks communicate by Tornado_SendSTMessages and
Tornado_GetSTMessages, and think they are the only process running in the
machine, they can be run by a suitable multitasker/server. A client running
on the local machine can send the subtask code down the network to the
server, wherein it is cached and can be kept for future use. All messages
between parent and subtask can be run over the network. Easy!
I think that's it about subtasks. They are extremely powerful, and their
importance in the Acorn world can only increase, if not within Tornado but by
the probable implementation of TAOS for the Arm series of processors.